Hello World

    As is tradition in coding, I am opening with "Hello World". The origin of "Hello World" within the realm of coding began in in the 1978 book The C Programming Language... Just Kidding, I am not here to talk about the origins "Hello World". I'm not going to do a better job then Wikipedia on that one (Hello World - Wikipedia)

    I am here to talk about dope shit like video games, comic books, coding and all things that come with them. I learned a lot over the years (plan to continue learning) and would like to share my findings somewhere. 

    In addition to tutorials I plan to review products and games. Specifically HTML5 Games and Mobile Games. There are already enough places to find reviews of the latest AAA title, I am here to service the small studio/ Solodev/ Indie scene. Since buying my first smart phone in 2012, I have downloaded and played 100's of mobile and web games of many genres. (Many of which are not even available anymore. I'm looking at you Driver on IOS!) I have made a few games and released one (IN TRANSIT is available to play now!) am currently working a new jam and this is where I will post updates for the Official Devlog.

    Well, thats it for now! Stay Tuned!



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